Regulate Your Cycle: Seed Cycling

Seed Cycling is a naturopathic ritual to help balance your hormones & naturally regulate your menstrual cycle using the powers of intentional seed rotation….

Hormones are complex and are easily influenced by stress, diet, sleep environmental toxins. Imbalances commonly present as irregular periods, very light or very heavy flow, PCOS, PMS, skin breakouts, low energy and fatigue. 

If any of these imbalances relate to you, or you want to reconnect with your cycle then I recommend you to try seed cycling. It’s an easy, gentle, and effective way to naturally support your cycles and promote hormone balance, plus an effective way to increase nutrients in your diet- you’ve got nothing to lose and everything to gain! 

Just to clarify (and as a disclaimer) I’m not saying seed cycling is a magic fix but with consistency alongside eating a healthy, plant-diverse diet I’ve experienced such a positive impact on the regularity of my cycles its worked well for me personally and lots of my clients who have committed to it.


FOLLICULAR PHASE: During the follicular days of your cycle (menstruation to ovulation) days 1-14 consume 1 tablespoon of ground flax seeds and 1 tablespoon pumpkin seeds each day to gently and naturally increase oestrogen levels. Pumpkin seeds are particularly high in zinc (making them ideal to support your skin too) which encourages progesterone production and release during the second phase of your cycle.

LUTEAL PHASE: During the luteal days of your cycle (ovulation to menstruation) days 15-28 consume 1 tablespoon of sesame seeds and 1 tablespoon of sunflower seeds per day. The zinc in the sesame seeds and the vitamin E in the sunflower seeds will help stimulate production of progesterone whilst the lignans in the sesame seeds help to stop excess oestrogen, and the sunflower seeds contain good amounts of selenium which helps support liver detoxification.

HOW TO CONSUME YOUR SEEDS: Sprinkle on your breakfast bowls, smoothies, salads or stir into soups & sauces. 


Follow the 14 day seed cycle instructions because this seed rotation process will naturally nudge your cycle into a more regular rhythm, but you have to be consistent with it and its essential you are prioritising eating a healthy diverse diet and managing stress and emotional health too.

If you have a missing period (amenorrhea) you can still follow the seed cycling ritual and instead of rotating with the two phases of your cycle follow the phases of the moon as a general guideline. 

Follow the 14 day seed cycle instructions above because this seed rotation process will naturally nudge your cycle into a more regular rhythm, but you have to be consistent with it and its ESSENTIAL you are prioritising eating a healthy diverse diet and managing stress and emotional health too. (for 1:1 support please apply for my 6 Week Nourishment Programme). 

TIP: Copy and paste the above instructions on the notes app of your phone for easy access and add your seed cycling phases into your diary as as reminder because consistency equals results. 


  • Days 1-14 (new moon to full moon) consume 1 tablespoon of ground flax seeds and 1 tablespoon of pumpkin seeds per day

  • Days 15-28 (full moon to new moon) consume 1 tablespoon of sunflower seeds and 1 tablespoon of sesame seeds per day

Its no coincidence that the moon and the (average) menstrual cycle are both 28 days, you don’t need to be a deeply spiritual person to recognise this and you might be rolling your eyes whilst reading this but open your mind to the powers of the moon because it controls the ocean and effects our mood and your cycles too….have you ever noticed your mood and emotions shift when its a full moon? next time you notice a big internal shift check-in to see what the moon is doing and this all might make so much more sense! 

Happy seed cycling!! If you have any questions on this topic drop me a direct message via my instagram @eatnourishandglow and if you give seed cycling a go I would LOVE to hear how you get on. 

Love & Nourishment, Jess x


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