Intermittent Fasting
My thoughts
My viewpoint for women wanting to: balance their hormones & body generally, regulate cycles, improve PCOS, reduce PMS & feel calmer generally I don’t recommend IF because it essentially starves the body for long periods of time (which is how our bodies percieve it) & in doing so activates the stress response which goes without saying is highly stressful for an already sensitive body (if it’s out of balance) imbalanced bodies need nourishment & nurturing instead of being deprived of food. Life is more often than not stressful enough (particularly if you are contending with hormonal imbalances) without adding to it by giving your body more stress to contend with.
My recommendation: 12 hour overnight fast
What I do rec doing is giving your body time to rest & digest by not eating for approx 12 hours after your evening meal until breakfast so if you have dinner at 7:30pm you wouldn’t eat again until 7:30am. If you tend to feel hungry after dinner address &
Improve how you are building your 3 main meals making sure you are eating enough protein, complex carbs + healthy fats in your diet.
Work with your body not against it and nourish it well. Jess x