6 ways to balance your body + manage peri/menopausal symptoms
6 Ways To Balance Your Body and Manage Perimenopausal & Menopausal Symptoms
Eat whole foods & limit processed foods
Prioritise protein with every meal
Nourish your body with gut-loving fibre
Boost your body with nutrient-dense leafy greens for improved energy
Add phytoestrogen rich foods for hormonal harmony
Prioritise sleep to support your nervous system
Many women feel overwhelmed and confused as to what they can do to support their bodies during perimenopause & menopause. Integrating a healthy lifestyle + balanced diet is SO important to naturally balance fluctuating hormones and manage unwanted symptoms.
Often energy levels, mood, skin, sleep, general zest for life can be affected by changes to your body. It is not unusual to feel lost and alone.
Prioritising YOU and YOUR BODY during the stage of your life is ESSENTIAL for long term health and ultimate wellbeing.
Our Registered Nutritional Therapist @katieskrinenutrition is passionate about helping woman feel wonderful from the inside out. Katie takes an empathic approach and will help you make realistic and sustainable changes to your diet and lifestyle so you feel better than ever before.
If you want to take control and make a real difference to how you feel The Perimenopause & Menopause 6-week Nourishment Programme is designed to help holistically navigate you through this time when your body needs a targeted nurturing approach more than ever. It will help you to supporting your whole body and mind through nutritional and lifestyle enhancements can make a profound difference.
Katie would love to hear from you - just fill out the application here and lets get started on enhancing your health during a time you need it more than ever.