Skin-feeding foods: sheerluxe

Top tips by myself and a panel of incredible nutritionists to help you elevate your plate and support the health of your skin…

Learn how to elevate your plate to support the health of your skin and beyond…

There’s not one single food that will improve your skin, but by aiming for a diet rich in plant diversity packed with skin-supporting nutrients and by making simple mindful tweaks to your plate to elevate it you will be taking a positive step in your skin journey. 


❌Limiting processed foods, refined sugar & alcohol and instead focusing on…

✅Maxing out on a wide colourful variety of whole foods brimming with skin-loving antioxidants vitamins & minerals. Prioritise organic using the ‘Dirty Dozen list’ (shared on stories) & pair your fruit with a protein source to support your blood sugar levels 

✅Eating orange fruit & veg in abundance as these are rich in skin-supportive carotenoids. Inc carrots, red peppers, squash & sweet pots. Also eat darker varieties such as dark leafy greens, berries, broccoli and kale -the darker the colour the richer in antioxidants! ✨✨

✅Adding omega-3 fatty acids to your plate especially oily fish such as salmon, mackerel & sardines (or if vegan supplementing one am omega 3 supplement), walnuts, flax & chia seeds. These foods will help reduce inflammation related to skin conditions such as acne, breakouts & eczema.

✅Keeping zinc levels topped up- zinc is essential for endless functions in the body including the health & healing of the skin. Key sources of zinc inc salmon, dairy, beans, poultry, sunflower & pumpkin seeds & nuts. 

✅Looking after your liver as the skin is one of the largest routes of elimination of toxins from the body and if liver function is sluggish it can negatively impact how your skin shows up. Inc quinoa, avo, broccoli, cauliflower, leeks, fennel, onions, garlic, sweet pots, beetroot & turmeric. 

✅Bridging nutrient gaps with a targeted skin supplement. My go-to is Manifesto Beauty Gummies (for 15% off use my code JESS15) 

Read the full article over at Sheerluxe here.


A little nutrition reminder


Eat better, not less